Friday, January 11, 2013

Coconut Oil Shocker

The shocker actually started three months back. My dad, Mark and I went to Costco for some last minute Sukkot (feast of Tabernacle) supplies. In the mist of shopping, I happened to spot coconut oil. Coconut oil? At Costco? SCORE! That was shocker one.

Normally I buy my coconut oil from They have very good prices on most items they sale. $20.99 at 54 fl oz for extra virgin certified organic coconut oil is pretty good! Especially if you compare that to health food and grocery store prices. From the ones I have seen, it's about half the fl oz at above or higher cost than the Vitacost price. Oy Yay!

So, what is the big shocker?
After ordering my coconut oil form Vitacost last week, dad and I decided to visit Costco. I figure I'll see if Costco still sells the coconut oils and at what price and how many fl oz. As I found the wonderful display of healthy organic extra virgin coconut oil – the shocker – it was exactly FIVE DOLLARS LESS than what I just paid at Vitacost! NOOO!!! Well, YES! $15.99 at 54 fl oz. Wow!

So, I may have payed $10.00 extra for my coconut oil last week (I bought two), BUT am feeling rather blessed that I have a cheaper sores of coconut oil near-ish by. I figure with sales tax and gas to and fro, I should still be on top by a few bucks. :D


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